HDF5 utilities
my own Fortran high level interface for HDF5

This library is to provide a high level interface into HDF5. This is, of course, based off HDF5's own High-Level module (HDLT) but customized to my own needs.

The aim of this library is to:

  • Abstract most of the HDF5 tyes.
  • Read/write datasets of multiple types and ranks.
    • Assumed reading/writing full arrays.
    • Remove need to pass dimensions (allocation and consistency of dimensions is left to the user).
  • Write/read attributes to file/group/datasets.
  • Provide the ability to create groups, and access datasets by either absolute or relative path.
  • Some auxiliary functions:
    • Check if dataset/object exists.
    • Get rank and size of dataset, either to check dimensions or to allocate array before reading.

Module summary

This is just a short summary to provide a basic understandig of the module. For a more detailed explaination, look at the code comments. If you have doxygen installed, make docs will produce an html output in docs/html/index.html.

subroutine inputs description
hdf_open_file file_id, filename, STATUS, ACTION Opens file and return identifier
hdf_close_file file_id Closes a hdf5 file
hdf_write_dataset loc_id, dset_name, data write out array (or scalar)
hdf_read_dataset loc_id, dset_name, data read in array (or scalar)
hdf_create_dataset loc_id, dset_name, dset_dims, dset_type creates an empty dataset
hdf_write_vector_to_dataset loc_id, dset_name, offset, vector write a vector to leading edge of dataset
hdf_read_vector_from_dataset loc_id, dset_name, offset, vector read a 1d array from from leading edge of dataset
hdf_write_attribute loc_id, obj_name, attr_name, data write out attribute array (or scalar)
hdf_read_attribute loc_id, obj_name, attr_name, data read in attribute array (or scalar)
hdf_create_group loc_id, group_name Create a new group
hdf_open_group loc_id, group_name, group_id Opens a group and returns the identifier
hdf_close_group group_id Close a group by identifier
hdf_get_rank loc_id, dset_name, rank Get the rank of a dataset
hdf_get_dims loc_id, dset_name, dims get the dimensions of a dataset
hdf_exists loc_id, obj_name Check if location exists
hdf_set_print_messages val_print_messages Sets the value of hdf_print_messages


The Basics

Here is a simple example of writing to a new HDF5 file:

use hdf5_utils
integer(HID_T) :: file_id
integer :: ii, jj, kk, ll
integer :: data0, data1(8), data2(4,6), data3(4,6,8), data4(4,6,8,10)
real(sp) :: data2_sp(4,6)
real(dp) :: data2_dp(4,6)
call hdf_set_print_messages(.true.)
! open file
call hdf_open_file(file_id, "test_hl.h5", status='NEW')
! write out some datasets
call hdf_write_dataset(file_id, "data0", data0)
call hdf_write_dataset(file_id, "data1", data1)
call hdf_write_dataset(file_id, "data2", data2)
call hdf_write_dataset(file_id, "data3", data3)
call hdf_write_dataset(file_id, "data4", data4)
call hdf_write_dataset(file_id, "data2_sp", data2_sp)
call hdf_write_dataset(file_id, "data2_dp", data2_dp)
! close file
call hdf_close_file(file_id)

The rank, dimension, and datatypes of the datasets in the HDF5 file correspond to the arrays passed to it.

Here is a simple examle of reading from an HDF5 file:

use hdf5_utils
integer(HID_T) :: file_id
integer :: data0, data1(8), data2(4,6), data3(4,6,8), data4(4,6,8,10)
real(sp) :: data2_sp(4,6)
real(dp) :: data2_dp(4,6)
! open file
call hdf_open_file(file_id, "test_hl.h5", status='OLD', action='READ')
! read in some datasets
call hdf_read_dataset(file_id, "data0", data0)
call hdf_read_dataset(file_id, "data1", data1)
call hdf_read_dataset(file_id, "data2", data2)
call hdf_read_dataset(file_id, "data3", data3)
call hdf_read_dataset(file_id, "data4", data4)
call hdf_read_dataset(file_id, "data2_sp", data2_sp)
call hdf_read_dataset(file_id, "data2_dp", data2_dp)
! close file
call hdf_close_file(file_id)

The rank, dimension, and datatypes array should match that of the datasets in the HDF5 file, otherwise the HDF5 library will bring up and error.

Converting datatypes

Note that HDF5 will convert the datatype on reading. So based on the above example

use hdf5_utils
integer(HID_T) :: file_id
integer :: ii
integer :: data2(4,6)
real(sp) :: data2_sp(4,6)
real(dp) :: data2_dp(4,6)
! open file
call hdf_open_file(file_id, "test_hl.h5", status='OLD', action='READ')
! read in some datasets
call hdf_read_dataset(file_id, "data2_dp", data2)
call hdf_read_dataset(file_id, "data2_dp", data2_sp)
call hdf_read_dataset(file_id, "data2_dp", data2_dp)
do ii = 1,4
write(*,'(10(I5,3x))') data2(ii,:)
do ii = 1,4
write(*,'(10(F7.1,1x))') data2_sp(ii,:)
do ii = 1,4
write(*,'(10F8.2)') data2_dp(ii,:)
! close file
call hdf_close_file(file_id)

This example will read in from a double precision dataset into an integer, real, and double precision array. Note that the integer array will be the floor of the double/real array.

For writing, just convert the data array before writing using the built in int & real functions

Chunking and compression

An advanced and very useful feature of the HDF5 library is chunking and compression. I have implemented a subset of this that I think is enough for my needs. When writing the dataset, just pass the optional filter parameter (options are 'none', 'szip', 'gzip', and 'gzip+shuffle'). Also, optionally there is the chucks parameter, which defined the size of data chunks in the dataset. A great thing is, like converting datatypes, when reading no additional care needs to be taken because the HDF5 library will sort it out for you (see note below):

use hdf5_utils
! open file
call hdf_open_file(file_id, "test_hl_special.h5", status='NEW')
! write out some datasets
call hdf_write_dataset(file_id, "data0", data0)
call hdf_write_dataset(file_id, "data1", data1, filter='szip')
call hdf_write_dataset(file_id, "data2", data2, filter='gzip+shuffle')
call hdf_write_dataset(file_id, "data3", data3, filter='gzip+shuffle', chunks=(/4,6,1/))
call hdf_write_dataset(file_id, "data4", data4, chunks=(/2,3,4,2/))
call hdf_write_dataset(file_id, "data2_sp", data2_sp, filter='gzip+shuffle')
call hdf_write_dataset(file_id, "data2_dp", data2_dp, filter='gzip+shuffle')
! close file
call hdf_close_file(file_id)

Note: that the efficiency of the compression and the writing/reading speed depend heavily on you data and you use cases. For instance, one of my uses is to write out 3D GCM data, and then read in select vertical profiles for an interpolation. When I chunk by vertical profile (1,1,103), the compression was very inefficient. When I chunk by horizontal slab (90,45,1), the compression is the about same as if I just chunk the whole set together. So I have to determine for myself the tradoff between storage and speed. (In my case I chunk by horizontal slab so that each chunk is below the 1MB cache size, and read in a whole dataset and do multiple interpolations, until moving onto the next dataset).

Using Attributes

Attribute are just like data sets, but they can be attached to datasets, group, or the file root. The suggested use is for small items like the code version or run parameters:

use hdf5_utils
! open file
call hdf_open_file(file_id, "test_hl.h5", status='OLD', action='READWRITE')
! write attribute to a dataset
call hdf_write_attribute(file_id, "data1", "rank", 7)
call hdf_write_attribute(file_id, "data4", "luckynumber", 1.618_dp)
! write attribute to the file (and get version from Makefile)
call date_and_time(date=date, time=time)
call hdf_write_attribute(file_id, "", "date/time", date // ": " // time)
! close file
call hdf_close_file(file_id)

The rank, dimension, and datatypes of the attribute in the HDF5 file correspond to the arrays passed to it. Further, there is the hdf5_utils::hdf_read_attribute subroutine.

Using Groups

Groups are a nice way to organize datasets and attributes within the HDF5 file. They work like directories/folder on a computer. When using group, you can access their contents using absolute or relative paths.

use hdf5_utils
integer(HID_T) :: file_id, group_id
! open file
call hdf_open_file(file_id, "outfile.h5", status='NEW')
! absolute access
call hdf_create_group(file_id, "group1")
call hdf_write_dataset(file_id, "group1/data1", data1)
call hdf_write_attribute(file_id, "group1", "tag", "this is group 1")
call hdf_write_attribute(file_id, "group1/data1", "tag", "this is data1 in group 1")
! relative access
call hdf_create_group(file_id, "group2")
call hdf_open_group(file_id, "group2", group_id)
call hdf_write_dataset(group_id, "data2", data2)
call hdf_write_attribute(group_id, "", "tag", "this is group 2")
call hdf_write_attribute(group_id, "data2", "tag", "this is data2 in group 2")
call hdf_close_group(group_id)
! close file
call hdf_close_file(file_id)

Notice in the relative path case, we can pass the group_id to read/write subroutines instead of the file_id. This can be used for convenient access to nested objects.

Unkown size

There are two subroutine, hdf_get_rank and hdf_get_dims, to get the rank (tensor rank, number of dimensions) of a dataset and the dimensions of a dataset. These can be use, for example, to allocate an array before reading in the data

use hdf5_utils
integer(HID_T) :: file_id
integer :: rank, dims(6)
integer, allocatable :: test4(:,:,:,:)
! open file
call hdf_open_file(file_id, "test_hl.h5", status='OLD', action='READ')
! get rank
call hdf_get_rank(file_id, "data4", rank)
write(*,*) "rank(data4) = ", rank
! get dimensions
call hdf_get_dims(file_id, "data4", dims)
write(*,*) "dims(data4) = ", dims(1:rank)
! allocate and read
allocate ( test4(dims(1), dims(2), dims(3), dims(4)) )
call hdf_read_dataset(file_id, "data4", data4)
! close file
call hdf_close_file(file_id)

Writing/reading by column

It is sometimes convenient to write/read only single column of a multidimensional array.

NOTE: FORTRAN is a column oriented programming language. This means that elements of each column is stored contiguously in memory, and therefore has fastest access. The HDF5 library is written in C, which is a row oriented language. Since the FORTRAN library is just a wrapper around the C library, the array written out to the HDF5 file is the transpose of the array we see in FORTRAN. So we are actually reading in a 'row' along the last dimension in the dataset in the HDF5 file as a column vector in FORTRAN. Keep this in mind if you read access this data in another language, like C or Python.

For instance, if a 2d array is a set of data vectors that we wish to perform a long operation on, then we can read in one vector at a time and treat it before moving onto the next one.

use hdf5_utils
integer(HID_T) :: file_id
integer :: j, k
real(dp) :: array(4)
write(*,'(A)') ""
write(*,'(A)') "Test writing out by column"
! open file
call hdf_open_file(file_id, "test_hl.h5", status='OLD', action='WRITE')
! create dataset
call hdf_create_dataset(file_id, "vdata3", (/4,6,8/), "double")
! loop through array
do j = 1, 6
do k = 1, 8
array = real(j+k-1, dp)
call hdf_write_vector_to_dataset(file_id, "vdata3", (/ j, k /), array)
end do
end do
call hdf_read_vector_from_dataset(file_id, "data3", (/1,1/), array)
write(*,*) array
! close file
call hdf_close_file(file_id)


Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Justin Erwin Copyright (c) 2020 Han Luo